Delhi University Botanical Society (DUBS)
Department of Botany, University of Delhi
Delhi-110007, India
& Institute of Horticulture Technology(IHT)
Greate Noida,
Uttar Pradesh – 201310, India
Date: October 4-5, 2024


Department of Botany, University of Delhi. Delhi
Institute of Horticulture Technology(IHT), Greater Noida, U.P.

Registration Form

    Name of the Participants


    Present Position/Position held


    Email Id


    Mobile Number


  • Registration Fee : Offline – Rs. 2000/- & Online – Rs. 1000/-
  • Registration Deadline : 30.09.2024
  • Bank Details for Submission of Registration Fee

    Name of Account Holder: Institute of Horticulture Technology
    Bank Account Number: 1536002100052580
    Bank Name: Punjab National Bank
    IFS Code: PUNB0153600

    To Register, Contact: Dr. Virendra Kumar Patel

    Phone: 8860621157

    Online link for registration : Workshop on Hydroponics

    After depositing money kindly send the transaction details at
    Lunch and Refreshments: Included for both days.



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