Citrus Nursery Centre

Citrus Nursery Cener, Hekra, Mandira, Assam is accredited vide No: FS/FO/(G)/112(a)/2018-19/474 by Central Institute of Horticulture, Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India,


The Centre Hi-tech containment facilities which comprises of nethouses – with stainless steel net of 40 mesh with multi door entry system and pest monitoring system for preventing the pest/ vector entry in the containment facility. We have devised SOP’s and implement these  ensuring that guidelines are followed, by the trained staff which works in these containment facilities. The technical team prepare, implement and maintain a quality management system. The team carry out an internal audit at least once every  months to verify that the activities associated with the facility continue to comply with the requirements of the quality assurance programme for the production of CTV and Greening disease free citrus  planting material.


The root stock is raised from seeds from authentic sources and soilless media is used to eliminate the chances of soil borne disease of citrus seed.  Once seedlings reach an adequate height, they are transplanted into larger polybags. Only healthy and strong seedlings are transplanted. Stunted seedlings are discarded. Special attention is paid to avoid seedlings with a different leaf morphology or otherwise unusual appearance, because they will likely be off-types (not true to type).

The plants upon screening for CTV and Greening disease, the disease free plants are maintained in the containment facilities for grafting in the facilities.



Citrus nursery centre was established by Institute of Horticulture Technology in Mandira, Assam in 2016 for addressing the major concern of production of indexed quality planting material for Khasi Mandrin, Sweet Orange, Assam Lemon and other Citrus cultivars.

At citrus nursery centre, we work to supply indexed virus and disease free quality plants to our customers through the best innovative combinations of nursery practices and modern advances in agriculture.
IHT has main campus in Greater Noida and regional Centre in Mandira, Assam


Citrus and disease spread

Citrus transplantation are facing decline majorly due to the infection of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV)  and Citrus Greening (Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus) also known as Huanglongbing (HLB) or yellow dragon disease resulting in low productivity and huge economic losses to the citrus fruit growers Use of indexed planting material is basic for improvement of citrus orchards and arresting


Developing virus-free true-to-type citrus plants combined with a comprehensive bio indexing programme to develop disease-free citrus plants.


  1. Developing disease free plants through grafting.
  2. Indexing of grafted plants for greening disease and CTV using PCR and ELISA.
  3. Propagation and horticultural evaluation of virus-free citrus grafted plants.
  4. Provide virus-free plants to citrus nurseries through a disease-free certification

 Strength –

  1. Innovative Growing – We use state-of-the-art practices to create most robust and high quality Citrus plants.
  2. Consistent Performance – Highly qualified and experienced nursery staff with strong business values.
  3. Reliable supplier – Responsive and simple ordering and communication

      – Because our success depends on your success!

At citrus nursery centre, we diligently work to-

1. Use of certified citrus variety as rootstock and scion 

we confirm the variety of rootstock and scion through testing the DNA fragment, before carrying out grafting.

2. Procurement of plant material (seed and scion) at regular interval through trusted source-

We perform diagnostic tests to detect the presence of graft-transmissible pathogens, in order to determine the sanitary status of the selected plant, before carrying out grafting.

We develop commercially grown citrus plants through grafting which are composed of two parts:

  1. The scion, which is the above ground portion of the tree that produces the fruit, and
  2. The rootstock, which comprises the root system and the lower portion of the trunk.
  3.  The  scion and rootstock are joined via the process of Grafting.

The grafted plants are tested for citrus greening and CTV by ELISA and PCR, and then indexed citrus plants are made available to sale to progressive citrus growers and nurseries.

Citrus plants-Indexed for citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and Greening disease

Citrus Grafted Plants

Buy Now, ready to deliver at doorstep

  • Free from Greening disease and Tristeza Virus
  • Indexed in Genomics Lab
  • The Rootstock: Rangpur lime and Rough lemon
  • The Scion: Khasi Mandarin and Sweet Orange
  • Age: 1 – 1.5 years
  • Deliver: All Asian Countries
  • Price Per Plants: Rs. 120/- + Delivery Charge

Indexed Citrus Root Stock

The Rootstock- variety

  • Rangpur lime and Rough lemon
  • Healthy and strong roots, fights soil-borne disease
  • Free from virus and any disease
  • Tested for Greening disease and tristeza virus
  • Rootstock grown in nethouse
  • Age- 1 to 1.5 year old rootstock


To book the citrus plants
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Call at : +91-8130997511

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