2021- National Seminar on India’s new Education Policy– Vision-2040
The Institute of Horticulture Technology- IHT on 20th March 2021organized the One Day National Level Seminar on “India’s New Education Policy -Vision 2040” through virtual mode.
The welcome address and background of India’s new education policy and Transforming Higher Educations was delivered by the Dr. R.S. Kureel- Director, Institute of Horticulture Technology.
The Chief guest, Dr. Prof. T.V. Kattimani through his address on “Resurrection of Indian Traditional Knowledge and Participation of Socio-economically Disadvantaged Group (SEDGs)” critically analyzed the new education policy 2040 and noted that the policy has made a couple of notable structural changes.
The Shri J.P. Meena-IAS, Former Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industry, Govt. of India, said about “Administrative Mechanism of Govt. of India for execution of National Policies”.
Dr. K.M. Tripathi was put some light on “Strengthening of School Education”, Prof. Mazahar Asif describes about “Promotion of Indian Languages & Literature” and Dr. G.S. Chauhan on Implementation status of NEP-2020.

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