To successfully grow plants with hydroponics, it is essential that you have a good understanding of how the plant grows. Anybody can grow plants in soil with reasonable success, but to grow plants in hydroponics, you must understand how the plant grows, so that you can control the light and the temperature, water, oxygen and nutrients in the root zone. In present economic situation having knowledge of an academic subject is no longer sufficient for entrepreneurs; training provides them the ability to recognize commercial opportunities, self‐esteem, knowledge and skills. To meet entrepreneurs, need institute has successfully organizing self-sponsored training programs on “Commercial Hydroponics”, for progressive growers, entrepreneurs and students from different states in different slots.  During training trainees were well explained about important inputs related to hydroponics like water quality analysis for open and closed loop, seeds identification, nursery production, plant nutrition management, climate control in greenhouse, cladding materials, training-pruning, crop care, physiological disorders of hydroponics crops and greenhouse pest management.

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