Institute of Horticulture Technology, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi ever since established in 2009, has been conducting hands on trainings for farmers, extension officials and entrepreneurs from different states of India and abroad. Till date the Institute has provided capacity building trainings to more than 55,000 trainees from different states of and abroad –mainly Tunisia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Sudan, Tajikistan, Palestine, Vietnam, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Bahrain, and etc.

The Institute is recognized by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India for Hi Tech Trainings in Horticulture.

The Institute has started International Exposure Programmes for desirous persons interested in innovative technologies in Horticulture. The programmes are organized for the countries like Netherlands, Israel, Spain, Germany, Thailand as per the requirement of the trainees. The institute envisages for a need for a different kind of exposure visits than what was then being offered usually by the tour operators (e.g., Just travel and logistics). Our goal—to organize a study tour that includes all the following elements:

The tour which are presently offered by different agencies does not include pre and post tour support with respect of technological exposure which the trainees will be exposed to during the study tour and the technical back up once they return back and try to implement some of the technologies at their place in India.

For planning the International programmes IHT has got some of its experts to undergo such study tour programmes in order to plan such tour more purposefully for other desirous persons from our country.

Although there are many categories of trainings, yet proper planning and pre-training/orientation have its own values. Pre-training is the process of enhancing the skills, capabilities and knowledge of trainees before going outside of the country. This will be of great help in their upcoming training/tours as they can easily understand the technology displayed during the visit. This will enhance their confidence thereby the overall performance at their place after coming back.

Target Groups: Training Courses are designed to suit the needs of Agri-horticulture staff, entrepreneurs and technicians of horticulture enterprises, growers, teachers and students of agricultural universities.


  • Relaxed pace.
  • Limited to one or two regions of a single country if otherwise decided upon.
  • Focused on two or three related themes, such as protected cultivation, fertigation, post-harvest technology.
  • Never more than twenty participants.
  • Programme monitored by IHT professional for smooth running of the programme.
  • In short, a stress-free sojourn for a small group of people who are desirous to actually see innovative technologies being in practice in the visiting country. Additionally, the advantage of independent travel, minus the work, the worry, and the inevitable hassles will make the study tour a special period for the visitors.

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