Polyhouse Cultivation of Tomato
Duration: 1 Week
Introduction: Importance, scope and advantages of protected cultivation
The trainees will be explained the scope and the distinct advantages polyhouse cultivation offers with respect to the quality, productivity in season and off season and favourable market prices to be harnessed by the trainees. As in normal seasons generally vegetables do not fetch good returns due to large availability of these vegetables in the market.
Seed Sources: Quality seed sources and varietal selection
Varietal selection of suitable cultivar and authentic seed sources with quality are the basic building blocks of the successful cultivation of tomato in polyhouses. There will be interaction with respect of the considerations like size, shape, colour, yields, resistance against pests, shelf life etc.
Plug Nursery Production: Types of media used, Method of media preparation, Plug tray, Sterilization of trays and media, Nursery production, Importance of cleaning and sterilizing seed trays for preventing mold and seed related diseases which saves lot of money and time later on.
Trainees will learn the advantages and practice Raising of Seedlings or nursery plants in separate unit in plug trays/portrays with separate cells/conical cavities. Details about the soilless media, mixing ratio and method of media preparation of different constituents. Management practices for better root and the plants.
Climatic Parameters: Production Technology Optimum Requirement of Light, Humidity, Temperature, Day Length etc. inside a Greenhouse.
Production Technology: Soil management, Layout and preparation of planting bed, Selection of manures and fertilizers, Layout of drip channels and mulching, Transplanting, Irrigation and fertigation, Optimum requirement of light, humidity, temperature, day length etc. in-side a greenhouse, Training, pruning and trellising techniques.
Knowledge about the soil health management in Polyhouse is very important else the soil gets sick after 2-3 years of tomato productions. Nutrient application as per the status of the nutrients present in the soil, soil analysis, how to read soil analysis report. The trainees will know and practice the methods to maintain the soil health in the polyhouses.
Plant Protection: Disease and pest management
Post-Harvest Management: Maturity indices, Techniques of harvesting, Yield, Pre-cooling and grading, Packaging and transportation.
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