Polyhouse Cultivation of Vegetables – Capsicum

Duration: 1 Month

Introduction: Importance, scope and advantages of Capsicum cultivation in polyhouse

Planning and site selection: Site selection for polyhouse, layout, design and establishment of polyhouses, poly houses suited for different agro-climatic zones of India.

Planting Material

Source of vegetable seeds: Identification of suitable varieties for poly house cultivation and their source of availability.

Plug nursery production: Selection of protrays, preparation of media, sterilizing trays and media filling of protrays, seeding, and after care of nursery.

Soil preparation and planting: Ploughing of soil and mixing of manures and fertilizers, making beds and laying of drips, solarization of poly house soil, laying of mulch over the beds and making holes for transplants, planting distances and crop geometry in polyhouse for different vegetables.

Training, Pruning and Trellising: Two stem, three stem system of training, bending, layering, use of threads, wires and hooks for support to plants

Irrigation: Drip irrigation, layout and arrangement of drip lines, water requirement of different vegetables, time and frequency of irrigation

Fertigation: EC and pH of irrigation water, Types of fertilizers, methods of application, Optimum requirements of different crops at different stages Frequency of fertigation

Insect pest management: Symptoms of infestation, cultural, chemical and biological control

Disease management: Symptoms of diseases, cultural, chemical and biological control methods

Postharvest management and Storage:  Harvesting equipment and method, washing, precooling, sorting, grading and packing. Optimum storage temperatures and humidity for different vegetables.

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