Technology Demonstration Projects

IHT has been recognised as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization- SIRO by DSIR, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. IHT undertakes a number of R&D and Technology demonstration projects in varied agro climatic conditions of the country for horticulture crop production with modern technology and finding solutions to the problems faced by the farmers.

In one of the projects undertaken with partnership of Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development- IBSD, Imphal, Manipur the crop production module of dendrobium orchid standardized by IHT (in house) was demonstrated in farmers’ fields resulting in development of incubation centres in Manipur. In another project undertaken with partnership of the Institute, protected cultivation technology for vegetables was customized to suit an array of farming situations in Mizoram. IHT has also took initiative to screen varieties of Bird’s Eye Chilli grown in Mizoram and known for its Capsaicin content.

Other R&D project with the support of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India on production and buy back of aromatic plants namely Patchouli, Citronella & Sugandmantri and macro and micro propagation, use of ICAR- FUSICONT technology for managing Fusarium Wilt of Malbhog Banana – a highly popular and high value banana has also been taken up by IHT.

The Institute has worked on various projects in collaboration with leading Agricultural Universities, Institutions in various states of India especially northeaster states for technological demonstration of following crops.

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  • Commercial Hydroponic Crop Production.
  • Generation of Indexed Quality Planting Material for Citrus – CTV and Greening Disease free
  • Protected Cultivation of Tomato, Cucumber and Capsicum.
  • Production of Saffron in soilless media in protected conditions.
  • Bird’s Eye Chilli – Mizoram’s Popular Chilli with GI Index  with average score of 50,000- 1,00,000 Scoville Heat Units- Technological interventions like mulching and drip irrigation with proper nutrition for increasing production
  • Mass multiplication of indigenous banana Malbhog by micropropagation and establishment of field demonstration units.
  • Strawberry Cultivation- introduction of tissue cultured quality planting material of indigenous varieties and introduction of sweet variety.
  • Production of different aromatic plants in farmers field with improved varieties and  automation in extraction
  • Commercial Cultivation of orchids with varieties dominant in international trade.
  • Cultivation of Turmeric with high Curcumin content with Good Agricultural Practices and Post-Harvest Management.

In addition to the R&D Projects and Technology demonstration in farmers’ fields the capacity building trainings were structured and developed for different climatic regions of India. Farmers, extension officials, students, present and prospective entrepreneurs availed the training in world class facilities in IHT in Greater Noida campus and IHT Mandira, Assam.

Precision farming is another area of capacity building undertaken by IHT. The impact of precision farming on resource conservation, both natural as well as other inputs in the form of fertilizers and pesticides has helped in making farming sustainable and environment friendly. The Institute’s expertise in micro irrigation, fertigation and mulching in protected and open production systems has been appreciated and well received by the farmers, extension officials and entrepreneurs alike.

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