Institute of Horticulture Technology has been conducting hands on trainings both in main campus, Greater Noida, NCR Delhi and on site for farmers and extension officials in different districts and blocks of different States on India. On site trainings with duration of 1-2 days are most useful as all the farmers are not able to make it to the main campus of the institute as they are usually reluctant to leave their places even for short durations of 5-7 days, to acquaint them with innovative technologies in horticulture the Institute conducts “HANDS ON TRAININGS” on specially developed training modules for the innovative technologies for farmers and extension officials at block and district level of different states. So that they are abreast with innovative technologies followed in production of horticulture crop.

The experts from IHT demonstrate different technologies which can be adopted by the farmers at their places. The farmers are provided interactive lectures and hands on trainings during the onsite trainings. The trainings at district/block level is usually tailored as per the need and requirement in the district/block. So there are different modules for the trainings at district/block level however for illustration one of the Training Model module is given as.


  1. Correct methods and tools for picking / harvesting of vegetables
  2. Post-harvest management of vegetables.
  3. Pesticide management with special reference to IPM.
    • Safe use of pesticide
    • Significance of waiting periods
    • Maximum residue levels meaning and significance
    • IPM Strategies
  4. Field Preparations
  5. Good Agricultural Practices
  6. Seed and varietal selection and sources
  7. Pre sowing seed treatments
  8. Soilless growing media
  9. Mixing of growing media
  10. Filling of NT-90 seedling trays
  11. Nursery management
  12. Soil nutrition and soil testing.
  13. Stage of transplantation.
  14. Crop care like pruning and other related activities


Contact us for conducting hands on trainings at district/block level for farmers and extension officials of your state, our experts will provide demonstrations, interactive lectures and hands on trainings to the farmers in modern horticultural technologies in their own district/block.


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