Department of Horticulture

The department addresses concerns of farmers in growing different fruit crops like mango, citrus, guava and banana etc.

There is a fruit block in the Technology Park where trainees are provided hands on trainings in high density plantation and other areas.

In Mandira, Assam Centre of IHT various fruit blocks have been established for providing the capacity building training for the farmers of the region. 

R&D themes

  1. Canopy management
  2. Regeneration of old and senile orchards
  3. High Density Plantation / Meadow orchard
  4. Plant propagation and rootstock
  5. Modern nursery raising technologies
  6. Soil health management and moisture conservation
  7. Mulching and Weed management
  8. Intercropping
  9. Fertigation
  10. Micro irrigation
  11. Pest Management
  12. Post harvest management

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